DeckSeal Canberra

Areas we cover
Acton, Ainslie, Amaroo, Anembo, Aranda, Banks, Barton, Beard, Belconnen, Bimberi, Bonner, Bonython, Braddon, Brindabella, Bruce, Bungendore, Burra, Bywong, Calwell, Campbell, Canberra, Capital Hill, Captains Flat, Carwoola, Casey, Causeway, Chapman, Charnwood, Chifley, Chisholm, Clear Range, Conder, Cook, Cooleman, Coombs, Coree, Crace, Crestwood, Curtin, Deakin, Deakin West, Denman Prospect, Dickson, Downer, Duffy, Dunlop, Environa, Erindale Centre, Evatt, Fadden, Farrer, Fisher, Florey, Flynn, Forbes Creek, Forde, Forrest, Franklin, Fraser, Fyshwick, Garran, Gilmore, Giralang, Googong, Gordon, Gowrie, Greenleigh, Greenway, Griffith, Gundaroo, Gungahlin, Hackett, Hall, Harman, Harrison, Hawker, Higgins, Holder, Holt, Hoskinstown, Hughes, Hume, Isaacs, Isabella Plains, Jacka, Jamison Centre, Jerrabomberra, Kaleen, Kambah, Karabar, Kenny, Kingston, Kippax, Kowen, Latham, Lawson, Lyneham, Lyons, Macarthur, MacGregor, Macnamara, Macquarie, Majura, Manuka, Mawson, McKellar, Melba, Michelago, Mitchell, Molonglo, Monash, Moncrieff, Murrumbateman, Narrabundah, Ngunnawal, Nicholls, Oaks Estate, O’Connor, O’Malley, Oxley, Paddys River, Page, Palmerston, Parkes, Pearce, Phillip, Pialligo, Primrose Valley, Queanbeyan, Queanbeyan East, Queanbeyan West, Red Hill, Reid, Richardson, Rivett, Rossi, Royalla, Russell, Scullin, Spence, Springrange, Stirling, Strathnairn, Stromlo, Sutton, Symonston, Taylor, Tharwa, The Angle, Theodore, The Ridgeway, Throsby, Tinderry, Torrens, Tralee, Turner, Uriarra, Urila, Wallaroo, Wamboin, Wanniassa, Waramanga, Watson, Weetangera, Weston, Weston Creek, Whitlam, Williamsdale, Woden, Wright, Yarrow, Yarralumla

Zhong Liu
Zhong has a background in carpentry and has been self employed for some years.
Zhong is looking forward to being busy building, restoring and preserving decks and outdoor areas.
He chose DeckSeal because it is closely aligned to his current work and would like to involve his wife in the business.
Zhong is so pleased he has joined the DeckSeal family with similar values and because it is a great business model.
He is looking forward to growing the DeckSeal brand in Canberra and transforming outdoor decks and areas.