DeckSeal Newcastle

Areas we cover
Aberglasslyn , Adamstown, Adamstown Heights, Allandale, Anambah, Anna Bay, Argenton, Awaba, Balickera, Bar Beach, Barnsley, Belmont, Belmont North, Belmont South, Beresfield, Black Hill, Boat Harbour, Bobs Farm, Bolwarra, Bolwarra Heights, Boolaroo, Booragul, Brandy Hill, Broadmeadow, Bundabah, Buttaba , Callaghan, Campvale, Cardiff, Carey Bay, Carrington, Charlestown, Chisholm, Coal Point, Cooks Hill, Corlette, Croudace Bay, Eagleton, East Seaham, Eleebana, Farley, Fern Bay, Ferodale, Fingal Bay, Fishermans Bay, Fletcher, Floraville, Fullerton Cove, Garden Suburb, Georgetown, Glendale, Glen Oak, Gosforth, Hamilton, Hawks Nest, Heatherbrae, Hexham, Highfields, Hillsborough, Holmesville, Horseshoe Bend, Islington, Jesmond, Jewells, Karuah, Keinbah, Killingworth, Kings Hill, Kooragang, Kotara, Kotara South, Kurri Kurri, Lakelands, Lambton, Largs, Lemon Tree Passage, Lenaghan, Limeburners Creek, Lorn, Louth Park, Maitland, Maitland North, Maitland Vale, Mallabula, Marks Point, Marmong Point, Maryville, Mayfield, Mayfield East, Mayfield North, Mayfield West, Medowie, Melville, Merewether, Metford, Millers Forest, Mindaribba, Mount Dee, Nelson Bay, Nelsons Plains, Newcastle, North Arm Cove, Oakhampton, Oakhampton Heights, One Mile, Osterley, Oyster Cove, Pelaw Main, Pindimar, Pokolbin, Rathmines, Raymond Terrace, Raymond Terrace East, Rosebrook, Rothbury, Rutherford, Salamander Bay, Salt Ash, Sandgate, Seaham, Seahampton, Shoal Bay, Shortland, Soldiers Point, South Maitland, Speers Point, Stanford Merthyr, Stockrington, Stockton, Swan Bay, Tahlee, Tanilba Bay, Tarro, Taylors Beach, Tea Gardens, Telarah, Teralba, The Hill, Thornton, Tighes Hill, Tilligerry Creek, Tomago, Twelve Mile Creek, Valentine, Wakefield, Wallalong, Wallsend, Warabrook, Waratah, Warners Bay, Wickham, Windella, Williamtown, Windale, Woodberry, Woodrising

Jeff Gorman & Luke Carney
Jeff and Luke are carpenters by trade and have in the past built decks, completed many home maintenance jobs and other carpentry work. They chose DeckSeal because it is their background of trade and found that it hasn’t been explored by other franchises in the area. The potential for growth with the right marketing and dedication from Jeff and Luke is exciting for them! With several years’ experience under their belt, they’re excited about starting off as a franchisee with DeckSeal because of how the company supports them as new business owners whilst also giving them an opportunity to be hands on!