DeckSeal on Autopilot

DeckSeal on Autopilot

Sep 3, 2022 | All, Deck Maintenance

Maintaining your deck all year round with the DeckSeal Autopilot Maintenance Program

At DeckSeal, we believe that your deck should be an extension of your home – a place where you can relax and enjoy the outdoors. However, we also know that decks require regular maintenance to stay in top condition. 

Your deck is constantly exposed to the elements, which can take its toll – especially if it’s made from timber. That’s why we offer a unique recurring maintenance service, where we send you a reminder or book you in for an inspection every 9 -12 months designed to keep your decking area going for longer. This program includes a full clean and a fresh coat of oil.

This way, you can always be sure that your deck is in good condition and will be able to withstand the harsh Australian weather.

Plus, our team of experts can spot any potential problems before they become serious, meaning you could save yourself money down the track. So if you’re looking for a hassle-free way to keep your deck in great condition, get on the DeckSeal pilot program.

Email [email protected] if you would like to go on this program.

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